The other day Maggie and I did a podcast. While all publicity is good publicity for Brittany there were a few misstatements that went uncorrected. To be clear though, this is a very long case and with so many iterations over the years of Brittany’s story, there is bound to be a cleanup needed as we move forward.
I won’t address the timeline here because there is a separate page that I change and correct and add to - if you go to the home page of this newsletter you can click on the TL link in the headings up top.

The biggest thing I want to note is that there is NO TIME OF DEATH recorded as in the autopsy report gave NO RANGE of days/hours/etc., in which Brittany was likely murdered. Instead, it only reads:
“…..she had reportedly not been seen alive for three days….Death was pronounced at the scene on September 30, 2004, at 2209 hours.”
ME arrived on the scene October 1, 2004 at “approximately 0145 hours”
Meaning the ME didn’t note any scientifically based finding of plausible timing of actual death (not discovery) based on any physiological factors of Brittany’s body - typically an ME will ballpark the window of death based on the disposition of the body, decomposition or lack thereof, rigor or not, core body temps, etc. The ME didn’t do that here.
How was Brittany found?
From the scene report of ME’s office: “[Brittany] was supine on the floor immediately next to her bed, her head was turned to the right….there were numerous towels on [Brittany] and items of clothing adjacent to her, she was clothed in only a shirt.”
Some reports state she was found by balcony doors, the balcony doors however were open as noted in the scene report.
Some reports state she was found covered up with a sheet or other blanket suggesting a sort of staging or covering up of the body on purpose by the killer. According to the report, there didn’t appear to be any rhyme or reason to the clothes/towels next to her body.
What is the cause/manner of Brittany’s death?
The official report from the ME’s office states the following:
Asphyxia due to neck compression
Cutaneous abrasions, neck
Petechial hemorrhages, bulbar conjunctiva
Acute hemorrhage of strap musculature, bilateral
There is no suggestion of ligature use
There are “ovoid” marks on her neck that are noted in the report.
Her hyoid bone was intact
Toxicology negative for all substances
DNA evidence:
DNA from semen and blood was taken from the scene. Semen was found on the sheets and a small amount of blood in the kitchen sink. These were from the same person.
A genetic sketch through DNA phenotyping was created
Over a decade later there was a match to the DNA - HOWEVER - according to then Tulsa Police Department detective Eddie Majors that person was ruled out because they had an alibi and a plausible reason the genetic material could have been in Brittany’s apartment (was the boyfriend of Brittany’s friend and had stayed the night with his girlfriend in that apartment recently)
Maggie has never been told what that alibi was.
The person was not with his then-girlfriend the night Brittany was thought to be murdered, therefore he has another alibi
Maggie has been told by those close to the investigation that the interview with the subject was in some way botched or not thorough. But, there is nothing to show that is true, it is only conjecture by others.
Additional DNA was obtained (reportedly) from her fingernails and is at Othram labs at present being analyzed.
Why did it take 18 years to send off this DNA from the nails? Your guess is as good as mine.
The Apartment Complex
There was a hatch to the attic in each apartment that some say led to a common attic space accessible by all apartments. However, I’ve heard conflicting stories about this - that each apartment was walled off from the other - but that again is just word of mouth. Either way this provides a possible point of access - OR - a place to hide.
However, Maggie said to her knowledge there were no signs of a person having been in that space, nor disturbance of the hatch.
It is creepy AF though I will give you that.
Brittany locked herself out of her apartment one day - she got help from another resident to be boosted to the second-floor balcony to get into the unlocked balcony door.
The balcony was relatively easy to access
In the days after the Murder, Maggie noticed a trellis on the balcony showed damage, and according to the ME’s scene report balcony doors were ajar when Brittany was found.
What I am working on now: I am going to be getting in touch with some people from Brittany’s life - Maggie has let me know some people are willing to talk to me. Know if you decide you want to talk:
I adhere to editorial standards and ethics.
I am gathering information and hoping to piece things together as the case moves forward - and am not currently writing an article for publication in any outlet.
That means if you want to talk and would like to do so anonymously, that is absolutely okay.
If you want to talk but off the record - again - totally fine.
If you are willing to let me use parts of our conversation in this forum but would like to be a confidential interviewee - that is again - great.
And - hopefully - as more and more momentum builds in this case with renewed interest and evidence people will be willing to use their own names when telling their part in Brittany’s life and any information that may be used to further Maggie’s search for justice.
I am also digging more into the ME’s report as there are inconsistencies with other reports conducted and submitted during the same time frame (2004 - 07). I mentioned this in the third audio post (Timeline Part Two) and believe it is a significant and important part of the story overall.
You can leave a comment below or feel free to email me —
Andy [at] Andykopsa [dot] com